Washburn Baseball

Washburn Baseball

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Post #10 Rockhurst vs. Washburn

Another home series against Rockhurst University! This series was originally scheduled at Rockhurst but had to be rescheduled due to the rain. The series started off on a beautiful Saturday afternoon with the Bods starting off with some runs. We were all around playing very well! Ending the game with a win of 10-5. Yet, day two we were not so lucky, with a final score of 7-11 the Bods struggled to keep their lead and lost due to pitching and errors. Although the loss did not hurt us, being that it was a non-conference game, it does take a hit on the coaches and the players for what they could not accomplish against a team such as this. Learning to take games seriously and how to stay focused, even if it is not the most important game you will ever play, it still extremely important and a great skill to have being an athlete in general. Focus and energy must be at a high at all times in order to gain success. Unfortunately, we did not have both for the second game, but hopefully we will leave prepared for the weekend series against Nebraska Kearney!

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